October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

October 29, 2010

fall leaves

Today we went in the canyon to collect leaves for something Cambria and I will make next week.

I love Halloween because it was the first time Skyler and I actually hung out! After hours of flirting in PE and one "nerve-racking" phone call made by Skyler, we finally hung out! And the rest is history... aaaaahhh, how cute.

October 24, 2010

puppy love

She did this for at least 20 minutes Sunday morning.

October 18, 2010


Worst commercial ever! But I still have a Snuggie and love it. But I have not and will not wear it outside my home.

October 5, 2010

i help you!

Cambria LOVES to help me do everything. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, or doing my hair she runs with her arms in the air saying "I help you, I help you!" until I give her some way to help.
She especially likes to help me with the cooking. Mostly because she gets to sit on the counter and eat.
Today it was cookies.

Align CenterThis is her face when you say, "say cheese"

October 1, 2010

this is good

I just got this off youtube, but if you want better quality watch it on hulu.