We thought she would look pretty cute sitting in the little pumpkin but she didn't like it too much. I wanted her to be a hotdog for Halloween but Skyler refused and said the costume was too ridiculous and that's why I thought she should be a hotdog. Then we could have dressed up like ketchup and mustard but Skyler wouldn't have that. So she is being a mummy instead. She only has two houses to trick-or-treat to so hopefully her grandparents get her lots of candy!
October 26, 2008
Happy or Sad Halloween
We thought she would look pretty cute sitting in the little pumpkin but she didn't like it too much. I wanted her to be a hotdog for Halloween but Skyler refused and said the costume was too ridiculous and that's why I thought she should be a hotdog. Then we could have dressed up like ketchup and mustard but Skyler wouldn't have that. So she is being a mummy instead. She only has two houses to trick-or-treat to so hopefully her grandparents get her lots of candy!
Cambria's Pictures
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That's way too cute.
ok she is so freaking cute i want to hold her i love you allmiss you all so much have a happy halloween love aunt marla
Judd said our neighbor was dressed as a stick of butter. I thought that was pretty funny.
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