March 12, 2009


We had a tragedy today at the Tolman household. Me, being the genius I am thought it would be a better idea to clean a spot on the floor with a pledge wipe instead of mopping up the mess. (the result wasn't as bad as the dish soap in the dishwasher incident but a tragedy nonetheless) Well, they make the floor very slippery and while walking to the kitchen this morning I slipped on that spot and fell and hit my wrist super hard on the corner of the wall. I bumped it pretty good. Now, I can deal with that. It was what happened 10 minutes later that made me really sad.

These were taken a few hours after the incident.

I don't know how well you can see this but Cambria was in our office with me this morning and she rolled over on to the bookcase and hit the side of her head and got a big bump. It looks like a cut here because of the red line. But it is hard to photograph the swelling. Hopefully she won't bruise.
(I made the flower for her a few days ago, and her dress is her new spring dress from her Grandma Law)


Maddie said...

oh no! i hope you both recover quickly :( so i saw shopaholic. that was a nice, uplifting movie :) i need to finish the book!

Aly said...

Jess, She is so cute. She looks just like her Mommy! I am sorry to hear about your owies. She looks like it didn't hurt her at all. Such a cutie pie.