February 11, 2010

sliding on garbage

Cambria grabbed her empty diaper box this evening and brought it out of her room and put in on it's side and began to slide down it. How she thought of this, I will never know. But she had a great time doing it. I just sat and laughed at her the whole time for inventing a slide out of garbage. I would buy one for her for our house but then Cambria wouldn't like nursery anymore because that's what keeps her entertained the whole time.

The box started to break, so what did any good mom do?
Made another slide out of the couch, a tupperware lid, and a total gym.


Maddie said...

hahaha, "weee weeee weeeeee!" she's so darn cute! i can't believe how big she is . . . i was just looking at the pictures we did over the summer, and she's grown so much! miss you guys!