June 17, 2009


My genius photographer friend Maddie had a photo shoot with little girls and bubbles and I thought it was so great I wanted to try it with Cambria because I thought it would keep her attention and she would be so cute in the pictures. It didn't really work. She just wanted the bottle of bubbles. Here are some we got but I'm not proud of them. Oh, and I wish I would have moved the flag. We will try again later.

I thought I could try and help her pay attention but she just wasn't interested.


Maddie said...

hehe, i think they're cute!! we still need to do pictures of you guys!! i should have called you to come to that photoshoot with all of the babies, it was soo fun. i didn't really organize it, so it completely didn't cross my mind, but cambria would have been so adorable in it!

smlaw said...

Those are cute. I really like that last one. So cute!