June 24, 2009

Inspired by a Friend

I was inspired by a close friend of mine while reading a post made about his new born baby boy to write about my beautiful little daughter. I have been reflecting a lot this week, so the post came at an opportune time. In the post my friend made mention of it being difficult to explain just how an experience is, and the most difficult thing is to try to explain your feelings to someone who has not been through a similar experience. I have found when describing this of an eternal nature it is very difficult to find the words, but that being said I will do my best to convey my feelings.

From the first moment I saw Cambria come into this imperfect world I have felt a sense of worry for what the future might hold and the inadequate feeling to care for and shield this perfect daughter of God from all of the ills in this world. I didn't know how I could do it (I still don't), but I know that if I remained close to God and to Jessica that we would be able to.

It seems like only yesterday I was lying on the couch with Cambria on my chest and she would fall asleep and for a brief moment I felt a very strong and close connection with my Father in Heaven providing the assurance I needed. Now it seems that Jessica and I can't even sit down for a few seconds before Cambria will be into something. And even though the days of her falling asleep on my chest while lying on the couch have long since gone, I still find that I receive that calm re-assurance that I can do this.

When Cambria was born, I did not know a THING about her, I didn't know her favorite color, food, music, etc but I fell in love with that little girl just as soon as I saw her. Even though some of those blanks have yet to be filled in and those favorites will change many times in the years to come, I still love her more than ever before.

I also would like to thank my beautiful wife Jessica, she has been the best friend, support, and has had the most patience with me in all of my inadequacies (as they are many). I have seen Jessica take on the HUGE roll of being a mother without a single complaint, and I am awe struck at how much she cares for Cambria, she puts all else to the side, she makes sure that Cambria is taken care of before she even thinks of herself. I only hope that I can become as Christ-like and loving as she is.

Well all, that is my novel...if you have complaints with how long it is you may take it up with my friend as he inspired me to actually try to explain to our family and friends just how wonderful of an experience it is to be a dad, growing up I wanted so much to be a dad, and now that I am I realize how great it is to be one. Even though words are not one of my strong points, I hope you all were able to understand the spirit of what I am feeling.
I will leave with two pictures...one of Cambria when she was first born and one of her now to show the difference 10 (almost 11) months has made in this beautiful girls life.


M'liss said...

We're so proud of you! Thanx for the first Granddaughter, she couldn't be more perfect or more loved.

stuartandbrittney said...

Hey Jessica, this is Brittney (Bilson) Edgin. I'm so glad to be able to see what is going on in your life. Your little girl is absolutely adorable and I love her name.

Forrest and Danielle said...

Even though Cambria can't read those words, I'm sure she can feel your love and care for her. You guys are great parents to that sweet little girl of yours.

Maddie said...

aw, such a sweet post :) i love you guys!